We recently announced that Frank Elementary had won the Pennies for Prevention fundraiser for being the school that raised the most money for the renovation of the Fire safety trailer. The safety trailer has been in service for 29 years and was falling apart. With the generous support of numerous local organizations, businesses and individuals in our community we have been able to raise over $10,000 in cash and in kind donations to get the trailer back in tip top shape.
The contest was close between Frank and Fort Meigs Elementary. Only 8 dollars separated the two schools. This was a great way to get the word out about our renovation efforts as
well as the kids taking ownership of the project. We are excited and hopeful we can continue to bring the safety trailer to all of the schools for many more years to come.
The trailer is about 90% done and should be able to finish it before Fire safety week this year. We are trying to work with the Eagle Scout who is leading the project to have it finished by the end of the summer so we can present it to the citizens with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The Perrysburg Fire Fighters were happy to donate the funds to make this party a success. Congratulations again to the Frank Elementary students for a job well done. And we want to wish all of the kids a safe and fun summer.